Let’s Play A Game…
That’s right, let’s play a little mind game, for fun, for self-realization, for insight, and maybe even get a little pissed if your friends see you differently than you want them to.
You’ve probably seen some of those panels on Facebook… you know, the “What I do, what my mom thinks I do, what my friends think I do, what I think I do, what I really do.” A few of those are pretty clever. I was going through some recent pics and it occurred to me that it might be hilarious to do one of those “panels” about who I am. Can’t do the “What I do” game because I don’t do much anymore… ‘cept play in the hills, travel with B, write an occasional post. Retirement is a bitch, ain’t it?? ;^)
The fun part of this game is trying to guess who others think we are, and finding a pic to sort of match it. We can romanticize ourselves as much as we want, as long as we’re willing to be occasionally smacked down by those who really know us. But that’s okay… keeps our ego somewhat in line. One can take this game deadly seriously, or simply for fun and chuckles… I highly recommend the latter. We all know some folks who simply couldn’t do it just for fun. Ah well…
This little game seems to me to be a great exercise in loosening up our self-perception. It sure worked with me. At one point I thought, “What a total goofball. Why do my friends put up with my shit??” At another point I remember thinking, “Damn, I’m not really sure just who the hell I really am…” Now this is all good stuff, gang, because the better we know ourselves and our immediate surroundings, the more effective people we can be on a daily basis. And that’s not a bad thing. Over time, our brains can fall into this pattern of self-perception which tells us, “Ahh, another day, and I’m still the great caring, feeling, funny, helpful, capable person I was yesterday. Oh yes, and everybody still loves me.” Yeah… well, maybe. And maybe not.
My attempt at this game showed me a lot about who I wasn’t and who I wish I were. Now, I tease B all the time about my being a mountain man or an adventurer & explorer… even a cowboy! And when the Dos Equis commercials come on, I absolutely drool in my admiration for “The World’s Most Interesting Man.” – which drives B crazy, by the way. But after we finish laughing about who I think I am, it occasionally gets a little more serious. We think we know exactly who we are, but do we?? B knows exactly who she is, and I love her for that. She’s much too modest about who she is and what she’s done in her lifetime, and when I attempt to remind her about what a phenomenal person she really is, all I get is a disgusted “pshaw.” The woman appears to have no ego at all. Until, of course, you piss her off.
Don’t try this at home. No, wait… try this game at home… I think you’ll enjoy it. And if you’re feeling REALLY good about yourself, show the results to a few of your friends. Then stand back, for you might get a surprise or two.
I’m going to share my results with you. Am not very good at it, this is my first attempt. But it sure was fun, and I learned something about myself in the process. Who I really wish I were is a quiet, enlightened Buddhist-type guy who lives off the grid and does much good for others. Funny, huh? I never have gotten down to the real essence of it before now. This little game, and my pictures, brought it out in a kind of stark reality I had not been aware of before. I will not become my “dream self” in this lifetime. I will, however steer more toward it. For, (in the attempt of coining a new phrase) It’s never too late to try to become the person you’re pretty sure you’ll never be.

Remember, it’s supposed to be fun! Just a simple little game…
Steve Hulse